Samjhauta is upcoming comedy video production of Aama Agni Kumari Media which is exclusively presented by Magne Budo (Kedar Ghimire). Watch today triloar version of Samjhauta, full video will be available shortly online will be published by Aama Agni Kumari Media.
Enjoy the short clip of Samjhauta video.Popular comedians Deepak Raj Giri, Magne Budo, Dhurmush and Mundre are shirtless and trying to pose like Salman Khan showing their six packs body. Watch this comedy video while they were at a program where Mazzako TV team caught them and tried to expose their body. Also Dhurmus shares about his dance step of Muskan Pasa has been copied by Salman Khan on his movie Bajrangi Bhaijaan. What he have to say in a funny way find out.
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