Arthritis a kind of disease causing painful Inflammation and Stiffness in one or more joints in our body. Joints occurs where bones meet,and they allow our body to be flexible.Arthritis is a group of inflammatory and degenerative condition that cause stiffness,pain in joints and some time swelling.It may be the one cause of other disease as well.
There are more than 100 forms of Arthritis but two most prevalent are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Osteoarthritis Arthritis:
Osteoarthritis is most common form of Arthritis which most often involves the knee, hip , hands and sometime affects in our necks during the middle aged and older people. It occurs when the cartilage covering the end of the bones gradually wears away.With out the protection of cartilage, the bones start to rub against each other that cause friction in our joints leads to pain and swelling. It usually affects people over age of 45.
Rheumatoid Arthritis :
It is an inflammatory autoimmune disease that often occurs in people age of 30-40, but most frequently in people between the age of 40 and 60 .It is a damaging condition that causes inflammation in the joints and other body tissues,lungs ,and eyes.It is long lasting disease that can affect joints in any part of the body but commonly the hands,Wrists and knees. overall symptoms of Arthritics
-Restricted joints Movement.
- Crackling noise.
- Enlarged ,distorted finger joints if the hands are affected.
- pain and tenderness that worsen with activities and are relieved by rest.
- Swelling around the joints.
- Stiffness lasting a short time after the period of inactivities.
If you are living in arthritis, Only way to prevent it by keeping yourself active because physical activities improve mobility and helps to strengthen the muscles and supports the gentle exercise helps to relieve stiffness and improve mobility. When you feel severe pain apply Heat or cold to the affected area because heat increase blood flow, and cold helps to reduce swelling. Both decrease sensitivity of pain. For pain you can take other pain relief tablet or can consult the doctor.
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